În emisiunea de astăzi vorbesc cu Sopo Japaridze despre alegerile parlamentare din 26 octombrie care au avut loc în Georgia
Sopo Japaridze cercetătoare și președintă a Rețelei pentru Solidaritate, un sindicat independent al infirmierelor și îngrijitoarelor. Sopo este organizatoare sindicală de mai bine de zece ani. Ea scrie pentru diverse platforme on-line și face parte din colectiva care creează podcastul ”Reimaginînd Georgia Sovietică”.
Ediția este în limba engleză.
On Saturday, october 26th, parliamentary elections were held in Georgia. The ruling party, the Georgian Dream, has won the elections, accumulating around 53 -54 % of the vote. The opposition claims that there has been massive fraud of the vote, both before the elections and on the Election day.
Tens of thousands of Georgians gathered outside the parliament on Monday night, demanding the annulment of the parliamentary election, which, according to the president of the country was rigged with the help of Russia.
Here to talk about the situation in Georgia is Sopo Japaridze.
Sopo is a researcher and the Chair of Solidarity Network, an independent care workers union in Georgia.
She has been a labour organiser for over a decade and researches and studies labour and social relations. She also writes for various publications and is also part of the collective that does the ”Reimagining Soviet Georgia” podcast.
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Background image: Ahali Electoral billboard, Tbilisi, September 2024. Source: wikimedia.